2010 New Year, and New Decade.
2010 New Year, and New Decade.
Jan 04So 2010 is upon us and the pressure is on for resolutions. So aside from the usually, lose weight, be more healthy personal New Year resolutions, have you made any for business?
Personally I have a few in mind that use words like ‘target’ and ‘focus,’ having had a brief chat with Dragons Den Rachel Elnaugh by the power of Twitter. It may be that what she had to say resound through not just 2010 but the rest of the decade as well.
Rachel suggests creating a list of positive affirmations around the value you intend to give others in 2010, as well as clearing the clutter and she doesn’t just mean the annual office and desk tidy up of old papers and junk. Have a clear out of the clients that you don’t enjoy working for, suppliers who let you down and employees that irritate you.
She says that during 2010 you should surround yourself with people and things that make you feel good.
So what are your New Year resolutions for business? Improving communication and customer service, time management and out sourcing are a few that you might want to focus on and all ones that the team at Answer it can help you with. Perhaps now is the time to get a plan in place for those ‘Disaster days.’ You know the ones, when the phones are down, when the receptionist is sick or indeed when the British weather just doesn’t play ball and you need telephone backup.
Duncan Bannatyne had this warning when I asked him for his comments on this blog post. ‘2010 is the year of danger for British businesses and it is best to proceed with caution.’
So finally my own thought following on from what Duncan Bannatyne warns is not to let you guard down in 2010, don’t get comfortable feeling that the worst is over. If anything, up your game in all areas of your business.