More Than Just Taking a Message.
Feb 16Tweet I often attend networking meetings where my clients speak about the Answer-it service to other people (usually when introducing me to someone.) I quite often hear them say ‘they do more than just taking a message.’ Being on the inside it has made me stop and think about what we actually do beyond the mechanics of simply answering the phone on behalf of our clients and relaying a message...
What’s That? or How Does That Work?
Nov 12Tweet ‘What’s that? or How does that work?’ When I meet people at various events and networking meetings, they invariably ask what I do. When I tell them about ‘Answer it’ a Tele PA / Telephone Answering Service. These are the 1st questions I get asked. So I thought as it was such a popular question, I would attempt to answer it here on my blog. Essentially Answer it takes telephone calls for...
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