You just don’t know what you don’t know.
Oct 21Tweet Well you don’t do you. The statement sounds a bit philosophical doesn’t it. But actually it is pretty logical. If you don’t know about something, then you simply just don’t know about it. So what don’t you know? Did you know that your height is equivalent to the distance between your two longest fingers? See you didn’t know, that you didn’t know that, before you read that did you? [Of...
May 20Tweet What is perfection, and how do we achieve it? Being or aspiring to be perfect seems to be very important to some people, including me. I was happily Tweeting away when I caught sight of a tweet from a very wise lady in response to someone else I follow. (She knows who she is!) It literally stopped me in my tracks and made me think. If I am striving for perfection, whose perfection am I...
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