Telephone Answering Service Vs Auto Attendant (Press 1 then # to continue…..)
Aug 12Tweet Auto Attendant – Your Thoughts I recently started asking people for the their thoughts about ‘telephone auto attendants.’ You know the ones, you either have to press a series of buttons and listen to seemingly never ending menus, if it is a really fancy system you can speak to the robot and it is meant to recognise what you need. More than likely it can’t...
Voicemail Vs Telephone Answering Service
Jun 29Tweet Is it just me? I recently had an ‘is it just me’ moment. My ‘is it just me’ moment was about voicemail. I really dislike voicemail, I don’t like leaving it and I don’t like receiving it. I had to wonder if this was an irrational moment and whether anyone else felt the same way. Research shows that only 1 in 5 people will leave voice mail and the...
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